We are coming to the last week of July and officially our last week of work for this term. I can almost smell the sweet perfume of my holidays in Brittany! ( if I am still allowed to travel that is!!)
But before we go, I wanted to tell you a few things we did during lock down.
We managed to keep most of our customers and even got to meet new faces who would normally live too far away to attend our classes. We ran an average of 32 classes a week and posted round 17 activities a week on our e-learning page. We hosted cooking classes as well as craft sessions, treasure hunts and interactive game lessons.
Both Sophie and I have gained so many skills and learnt so many ways to offer online interactive lessons, it is a wonder how we ever taught before.
Our only trouble was with our youngest learners, and by young I mean babies and very young toddlers. Our lessons are normally based on sensory learning and it has proven difficult for us to still offer this approach online. But, we like a challenge and we will spend the summer figuring out new ways of keeping the little ones amused.
We have already started to plan our lessons for September and are currently working on the new timetable. It is unlikely that we will be able to visit schools and nurseries or welcome students in our homes so until it is safe to do so, we will continue to offer online lessons.
So all that remains for me to say is, stay safe, have a great summer, stay in touch and we will back very soon for some very exciting news.
"Petit a petit, on devient moins petit! "
Anne and Sophie