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October Half term

Anne Cockburn

Now that all the classes are up and running, it is time to start thinking about October. I read something funny in the lines of children see October as a colourful time full of Halloween fun, falling leaves and conker fights, hot chocolate with delicious, whipped cream and melting marshmallows whereas us adults think of rising electricity bills and never-ending piles of leaves to sweep up in the garden, depressing short days and the alarming approach of the C word!

To make it more enjoyable for everyone, I have prepared some October workshops to help you improve your French whist having fun. Children will be able to come and cook, play games and make wonderful creations (while emptying my collection of toilet paper rolls!). Adults will be able to come and play games too!

Feel free to email me if you have any questions or if you would like me to put your name down.

A bientôt


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